  1. letter to the editor
  2. i'm with you
  3. celebrity interview
  4. when you're pretty
  5. tight lips
  6. fiddlesticks
  7. girl on a red velvet swing
  8. whore kiss
  9. persephone again
  10. if my eyes offend you
  11. big hand

Vibro-phonic Recordings is pleased to announce the long awaited new album Zenith by Los Angeles combo the jigsaw seen: Dennis Davison (vocals, guitar), Jonathan Lea (guitar), David Nolte (bass) and Teddy Freese (drums).

Assisted by D. J. Bonebrake (X, the Knitters) on vibes and percussion and Danny McGough (Tom Waits, Shivaree) on harmonium, the jigsaw seen seamlessly blend mellotron, stylophone, optigan, analog synth and e-bow with guitar, bass and drums to achieve a dazzling mix of melodic hues with equal shades of darkness and brilliance.

From the Big Star-ish opening of Letter to the Editor, follow Zenith as it switches channels through the cold and fuzzy I'm with You, then shifts to the gigantic guitars and pizzicato strings of Celebrity Interview. The transmission then changes over to the tremelo sounds of When You're Pretty, the hypnotic pounding of Tight Lips, then flips to the delicate woodblock and bombast of Fiddlesticks. Our program continues with Girl on a Red Velvet Swing's Byrdsian 12 string guitars, Whore Kiss'fish and finger cymbals, Persephone Again's mechanical mythology and the stark melancholia of If My Eyes Offend You. Zenith finally concludes its broadcast day with the seven minute static drenched Big Hand ... click.

Produced By Dennis Davison and Jonathan Lea
Engineered By Pete Magdaleno at Track Record and
Rudi Eckstein at Foxfire
Digital Editing By Joe Berardi at ZauberKlang
Mastered By Bob Irwin at Sundazed
Package Design By Jonathan Lea andRachel Gutek

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