Most recent tributes are now listed first.
Also see
the Interview Files.
Bruce Beckwith
I just heard about Greg's passing and am saddened to have lost
yet another old friend. I had the pleasure of knowing Greg when I lived across
the street from him in Mantua, in Fairfax, VA in the early 70's. We hung out in
his downstairs bedroom in the back corner of his mom's house. We would just
climb in his bedroom window, never using the front door to the house. I have no
idea what color paint was on the walls of his bedroom as it was covered floor
to ceiling in Covers of Rolling Stone. We spent hours upon hours listening to
vinyl albums on a beat up stereo he had. He had a particular affection at the
time for the Hot Tuna album Burgers, with Papa John Creech on fiddle, playing
True Religion. All these years later, that tune has stayed with me, and I just
played it one more time in honor of Greg. I lost track of Greg when I moved to
FL in 1976 and I had thought of him on occasion, even googling him a few times
with no success. Now I hear of his life, only after he's gone. Too late to
reminisce with him about our times together. Guess he turned out pretty darned
good, glad to hear it, just wish I had got back in touch a little sooner.
Various odd things I remember, his mom used to drive an AMC Pacer I think, they
had a scrawny german shephard that would get loose occasionally and it would
drive our german shephard nuts. I remember going to a birthday party for Brian
and we had all the usual party stuff, cake, candles, etc, and then a 35 mm
film, which melted when it got stuck. End of that film. Brian got a big wheel,
and it was fun to ride it down their driveway and spin out before hitting the
street (even tho we were way too old and big to be riding big wheels). When his
folks split up, I remember my Dad chasing away a private detective who was
watching their house, from in front of our house. Guess his dad was looking for
evidence to prove she had a new man around or something like that!....Snowcaps,
only Greg would know what I'm talking about there I think. Oh, and my friends
and I used to play touch football in the street and I remember us teaching his
little bro Brian, how to dodge the defense after catching the football.
Hysterical. If you can, tell Brian I remember him and send him my best wishes,
and tell him Greg will live on in my memory.
David Jenkins
Thanks for assembling a lovely tribute page to a man that loved
music and all that went with it. Greg put out the first record I played and was
credited on (andrew's track on the hollies comp.) and I will always have him to
thank for that. We also bonded over our love of "my so-called life" and I made
a set of tapes of all the episodes for him at my old job which was running the
mailroom at the agency that repped claire danes at the time of the show's
launch. Greg was a fan in the truest sense of the word and he and I shared so
many of the same faves (costello, beatles, etc.) that we were always at the
same events around town. His support, patronage and enthusiasm for local talent
was known to all and he put out some great music that will stand up to time and
be remebered as fondly as I know he will be. I miss him and that costello
tribute concert I helped put together was exactly what he wanted and we were
all so proud to make it happen. Please feel free to post this on the tribute
section and send my regards to Greg's family if you are in touch. Thanks for
the memories, Greg!
Thomas Miller
I knew Greg in High School, but became freinds when we went to
Northern Virginia Community College together. We used to cut class to go to his
house and watch Wheel of Fortune. I remember looking at a huge collection of
cassette tapes in his living room. The tapes were collections of songs by
various artists arranged by various methods. I was always impressed with his
passion, so it did not surprise me when I learned he had started Eggbert. I had
been meaning to contact him for some time now and always figured that I could
do it tomorrow. My heart sunk when I learned of his passing. Greg was one of my
fond memories of days gone by; I guess it will just have to stay that way. The
world would be a better place with more people like Greg.
Garry Westcott
I just heard about Greg this past Thursday and the news hit me
like a sledge hammer blow to the heart! Reading your beautiful tributes to Greg
made me realize I had missed the shooting star across the sky...I was looking
the other way. I waited 30 years to find the courage to make a phone call and I
was too late. While you all have wonderful anecdotal stories of how Greg
impacted your lives, how he enriched you with his humor, his friendship, his
innate 'light' that shined from his very smile, I saw Greg for the last time 30
years ago! In the story of life we wound up parting ways when Greg was just 14
years old...and I know I am poorer for it. Even as a boy Greg's gifts were
evident in his eager laugh, his mischeivous eyes and in his loving
It makes me happy to learn that Greg became the man I saw in the
boy. (I credit his mom for doing such a great job!) Brian and Greg had a
sparkling chemistry together that many brothers do not share. Greg could not
have had a better brother than Brian. I remember Brian's big brown eyes looking
up to his older brother. Brian's gentle nature and big heart are gifts to
anyone who knows him and I'm sure he brought a lot of happiness to Greg
throughout the years. I am thankful that the world has Brian - and anyone whose
life was touched by Greg, at any age or status, has been the beneficiary of his
grace in so many ways. We are all made better by our memories of Greg. I loved
him like a son for too brief a time. Despite his absence in my life my world
has changed with his passing. I should have made the call years I
miss him as a son.
Sharon Sullivan Girouard
I too grew up with Greg in Northern Virginia. I reconnected
with Greg after many years of no contact. He sent his music to me at Christmas
time and a touching letter of his illness. When I recieved the letter I tried
to contact him but was unable to locate him. I am sorry that could not say my
goodbyes and thank Greg for his friendship. I remember how he talked fondly
about his family and his passion to get the latest import record from Peguin
Feather. (now that's going back aways). I remember Greg as a generous,
thoughtful friend who taught me about good music and how to dance this mess
Sharon Sullivan Girouard
Monique Montibon
What can be said that hasn't already been expressed so
eloquently? I only recently found out that Greg is gone. A new discovery means
fresh wounds, and I am sorry that I didn't know earlier. But I had a hunch last
year that something was amiss.
I've known Greg since the mid '90s. At
the time, I was managing a music department in Santa Monica. We hit it off over
the phone, and met only hours later, when he stopped by to drop off some John
Easdale CDs for an upcoming in-store performance. He was engaging and funny;
and he shared my extreme appreciation of Elvis Costello. I was charmed. We kept
in touch thereafter, even when I moved to Ann Arbor, and eventually to San
Between my interstate moves and assorted job mutations, Greg
would take me to Largo. He snuck me in once to see Aimee Mann and Michael Penn,
prior to Aimee's big breakthrough. He took me because he knew I was a big fan
of the pair--and because he could. I realize I'm preaching to the choir, but
Greg was great that way.
There's a note in my Palm Pilot beside Greg's
name that reads, "Call, don't write!" He was always too personable to relegate
himself to cyberspace. So I called, and he called, and sometimes we wrote. Then
the communication slowed until it ceased. Something was up, but Greg never
shared his personal baggage with me, despite the fact that he was an excellent
listener. I figured he'd get back in touch when he was ready...
I wish I
could have been there for him. I lost my dad in 1992 and three friends within
the last five years. It never gets easier, it never hurts less, but each time
I'm reminded that the ordinary is in fact utterly extraordinary, and the
everyday should never be taken for granted. I'm grateful to have known
Peace, love and understanding to all of
Greg Paul Dwinell
I only spoke with him on the phone several times. I first heard
about him a number of years ago. I found his number on the net and called. The
conversation started like this:
"Eggbert Records"
"Hello may I speak with Greg
"This is Greg Dwinnell?"
"Do you
know who you are speaking with?"
long pause..........
"You are
speaking with Greg Dwinell!"
"Oh you know them?"
"No, but my freinds keep seeing the
album credits and saying to me things like I didn't know you were working with
We hit it off on the phone right away. We had some long
talks and found we had many things in common.
He told me he had met
Brian Wilson.. I was 6 years older and grew up in California listening to Beach
Boys. He told me about the Wondermints. I caught their show near here in CT.
They knocked me out.
He put me in touch with Probin Gregory from that
band to find out where they got their synth. That was fun when I called him up
and said "my name is Greg Dwinell." He said "Yea.....hi
Greg"....laughs..........then I said "No, really I am not the Greg Dwinell you
know, he gave me your number."................pause.........."You're kidding!"
When I was 10 we moved to Mass..... We went out to Topsfield, Ma where
the first Dwin(n)ell settled in the 1600s. Greg told me he had also been there.
Greg also pronounced his name the same as I do....... Dwin rhymes with
Twin not with DWhy.
We spoke of the variations of spelling out ther
Dwinnell, Dwinell, Dwinel, Dwinnel........
I think it was his
grandfather he told me about that had large panels made up with the whole
family tree mapped out on it. Also, he had traced where the guy had gotton on
the boat in Europe. My mother had done a lot of tracing down many of these old
I mentioned my 1st cousin Ray in Altedina, Ca and his children
Roger & Gail of Canyon Country who work the at Warner Bros. I just came
back today from taking Gail to the airport. She was here for a week for my
brother Jeff's wedding.
In the last 3 years we lost both my parents
Clifford & Elizabeth. I have also been blessed with the birth of two
children during that time. One daughter Tianna and one son Braden.
Greg's picture with Elvis Costello is hanging on my wall at Orange
Sound. We had some great fun on the phone. He had a real spark and a great
humor. I am very sorry for his family and all his friends.
Susan Pataky Loyd
I was one of the lucky ones who grew up with Greg in Virginia.
He was the unconventional boy next door (well, around the corner, but you could
see his house from mine). Always surrounded by friends, he had that certain
magnetism that very few possess. We shared some wild times growing up in
Mantua, and over the years we loved to hear Greg recount a story with great
animation and enthusiasm, remembering every detail, and leaving us in stitches!
Of course our lives revolved around music. His hole-in-the-wall bedroom where
we used to hang out was covered, floor and ceiling, in Rolling Stone magazine
covers (this was the 70s). Thats where I first heard the sounds of Todd
Rundgren, Cheap Trick, Talking Heads, Blondie, The Ramones
and of course
ELVIS Costello. Wed spend Friday nights making cut tapes; my job was to
write them up while he figured out the perfect segue and a clever title. No
cover art then, just great music.
After Greg headed to the left coast,
and as we witnessed his success in the music industry, he remained a steadfast
friend to all of us back east. He ventured back for annual visits with the
requisite dinner at Duck Changs, plenty of Frisbee Golf, and the
occasional Redskins game. His loyalty as a friend was unsurpassed. He did a
better job keeping in touch with people than anyone else I know, even after
moving nearly 3000 miles away. I also feel blessed that my kids knew Greg and
were witness to his generosity of love and spirit.
Greg, I miss your
stories of life in L.A., and Im lost without your advice on what music to
buy or whats worth watching on TV or film. I find myself wondering what
youd have to say about Carnivale or School of
Rock or the new Rufus Wainwright album. What would be on your Circle of
Friends list this year? And how about that Tribute Show at Largo? I
wouldnt have missed it for the world. But I do miss you, every single
XO Susan
Attached photo of the boy says it
Jordan Oakes
I was shocked to hear of Greg's death. I had no idea he was
ill. I had the privilege of meeting Greg twice, and the second time it was a
pleasure all over again. Without a doubt, Greg was a pop visionary who gave
equal time to new bands and old ones alike (even when it was vicariously,
through tribute albums). Greg arguably had the very best "power-pop" label in
the country -- though Eggbert undoubtedly branched out into other realms, as
well, which gave it a special depth and personality. And unarguably, he was the
classiest of pop-label impresarios. Greg released the two greatest tribute
albums ever -- for the Bee Gees and Hollies -- and showed how it *should* be
done: he put more care and strategy into his tributes than most bands invest in
their actual albums. Witness the way he put the tribute vehicle in reverse for
the Hollies. Most tributes stay in neutral. He made sure the bands were up to a
certain standard, which is an irresponsibly lost art in the world of
compilations (he knew that a tribute album *can't* have filler, in the way of
weak bands or performances, because, for gosh sake, it's supposed to be a
*tribute*!). Greg discovered bands like the Crowd Scene, who wouldn't have
gotten a second glance, much less chance, from any other record company here or
abroad. And it's not for lack of talent. The Crowd Scene were just one example
of Greg's ear for well-produced, catchy, sophisticated pop. But he could also
go for the visceral art-punk thrill of something like the Mumps, a band that
more predictably prudent labels were inoculated against. And Greg wasn't only a
label honcho, he was a great businessman with PR skills to spare. He knew how
to communicate with people on all levels of the music machine. He also had a
distinctive voice to go along with his pop acumen -- in a different world Greg
could have been a deejay. Whatever different world Greg is in now is
irrelevant. He made *this* world a lot better.
Brian Brumfield
I have known the Dwinnell family for many years and I am still
very good friends with Gregs brother Brian. They are the most honest,
down to earth people you will ever meet. Greg Dwinnell will always be
remembered by me as a man who was very talented,loving,compassionate,caring,and
loyal person you could ever meet. He was blessed with so many gifts and the one
that he shared that he loved the most was his expertise in music. It makes me
so happy to read from all of the wonderful people who have shared stories about
Greg. And as I read all of them I say to myself that was definitely
Wishing everyone nothing but the best in life. God bless to all
and take care.
Pete Behr
Waiting on a friend
I had the great pleasure of knowing
Greg for almost thirty years. (Of course some of those earlier years are a
little harder to remember than the more recent ones.) As we all know, Greg was
a benevolent soul indeed. His generosity was unsurpassed, as was his concern
for his friends. I'm grateful to have been a recipient of both.
of us who grew up with Greg in Fairfax will never forget the many escapades
that seemed to revolve around him and his devilish grin (I wonder if Tad
Mitchell ever did realize how his car caught on fire). From "Fishnet" to Phil's
house, we all had a blast. As you can imagine the soundtrack was amazing. It
was quite an honor to be invited along to Bruce McCarty's house in Falls Church
with Greg when he first started making tapes, and even more of an honor to be
on the receiving end of the annual X-mas mailing (such a giving soul he was).
Over the past ten years many have experienced trials and tribulations.
Thankfully we could all find some relief, be it comical, or musical, through
our good friend eggBERT. As I finished reading the wonderful tributes to Greg,
I reflected on the impact he had on me and smiled. "Thanks Greg!" I thought,
"You're certainly missed, but you'll never be forgotten!". Cheers to you all,
and keep the music alive.
Pete Steinbach
Just for grins, I went through my catalog of tapes and CDs and
put them down in chronological order, including a few of the tunes from each to
show a sampling of how things changed over the years; and how they stayed the
same. I purposely limited myself to four tunes from each offering, and tried to
include current and at least one old tune that stood out. Some of you will have
these same tapes / CDs; Say The Words and Poor McCulloch come to mind. Much to
my surprise, two didn't include an Elvis Costello tune (...And The Party Never
Ends and Up on The Pavement)! There's an attached Excel spreadsheet, but if you
can't open it (i.e., you don't have Excel) let me know and I'll send it in Word
or text format.
Norvous was the last of the tapes, which was a little
play on Norv Turner's name, who was then the head coach of the Washington
Redskins. We used to refer to him as Nervous Norvous due to his demeanor on the
sidelines. Another Skins connection was Run Ryp' Run, in reference to the
cement footed Mark Rypien, who nevertheless quarterbacked our beloved Burgundy
and Gold to a Super Bowl win.
If I recall correctly, Meadow Rock, the
first offering from Greg, was a reference to Bloom County, which we always
loved. Bill The Cat (Oop! Ack!) was so ahead of his time, and I still say Opus
was a whimp. Too bad Bloom County faded into mediocrity; we finally had to give
up on it...
I hated not including more samples from each tape, but you
gotta draw the line somewhere. That holds true in particular for the two Pete's
tapes, which Greg made after a party I had that to this day stands as one of
the best. They will be highlighted when I finally have The Return of Pete's
Lastly, for those who don't know the story behind it, the last CD
that Greg made was from the Tribute show at the Knitting Factory called Poor
McCulloch. When Chris Piller, Pat Pierson, and I visited Greg back in March, we
were watching boxing one night and this Irish kid named McCulloch was taking a
beating. There was no way he would win, but no way he was going down; he had a
chin of granite. After a while, as he continued to get pummeled, his left ear
about three times normal size and beet red, one of the commentators on ESPN
kept saying "Poor McCulloch." He couldn't have been more right, but we just had
to laugh...
I've been to a few shows since Greg left us, with the Elvis
Costello show at Wolf Trap back on July 7th being one. Greg had wanted to come
back to DC one last time, and that would have been his 100th Elvis concert!
Kurt and Chris Piller, Grahame Davies and I went, and it was something beyond
belief. It was as if Greg had channeled through Elvis and selected the perfect
song list for the night. After the show, we shared our thoughts and everyone
felt the same. My personal feeling was as though Greg had come to say good-bye,
and to let us know he'd always be close by. Many tears were shed that night.
Just last week I saw Bruce Springsteen, and when he played 7 Nights of Rock, I
knew Greg was with us. I just hope he keeps coming to all the
Hope everyone is well, and thanks for letting me share my
ramblings with you all...
Chris Piller
ring ring
Gregory it's Christopher
and so continues the forever conversation with my
'Jesus of Cool'
definitve friend
man of inspiration
pusher of dreams
how beautifully you collect the wonderful of the world and
send it off
in perfect packages of love
life is short
be saved
got brains and I'm gonna use 'em
the way it goes
child star- this ain't no holiday
C L Fence & Gregory Ghost
man I walk with you in the woods
fools and kings
the love you take is
equal to the love you make
fuck me, I'm sensitive
think of me
know I'd be there if I could
I'll come around to see you once in awhile
Or if I ever need a reason to smile
Todd is god
Greg is king
you my friend
My fifth beatle
My rock n roll t-shirt
My favorite
Peace love & understanding
Scott Dipatria
The last time I saw Greg was at John Easdale's New Jersey shore
shows in 2002. I met him in the late eightees and saw him occasionally until I
moved away in 1993. I never heard an unkind word leave his mouth. When he spoke
of the "next big bands" he was listening to at the moment, he had amazing
passion and conviction. His knowledge and pure love of "our" kind of music was
awe-inspiring. That last night in John's hotel room with Mark and Pete was Greg
at his finest. We watched MTV2 videos like we were watching TV for the first
time. As a Belle & Sebastian (one of Greg's faves) video was playing, he
looked over at me and said in the most sincere, quiet voice..."aren't they just
amazing?". I wish I would have told him in response how amazing he was! They
broke the mold when they made Greg. He'll be sorely missed.
Sharon Dwinnell
It has been a month now since Greg was taken from us. I was
blessed and privileged to call Greg my son and my friend. No one ever had a
better son nor a better friend. He took care of me and helped to shape my taste
in books, TV, films and even music. He made sure I had a cell phone in my car
because I drive long distances alone, he made sure I have a beautiful home to
live in, and he got me an HBO box so that I could watch The Sopranos and Six
Feet Under. Every week we would talk for at least an hour about what we had
seen, done, heard, read during the past week.
Thank you all for being
his friends and for loving him. He was an incredible human being and will be
greatly missed. I told him how privileged I felt to have gotten to know so many
of his friends and he said "Mom, my friends are your friends" One of the things
he said to me towards the end was "Mom, please keep in touch with my frrends.
It will help to keep me alive" I intend to follow his wishes.
The world
we live in was a better place because Greg was in it. I have to believe that
Heaven is now a better place with more laughter and more music because he is
I Love You Greg, Mom
Paul F. Tompkins
I didn't know Greg for that long. I only just met him a couple
of years ago. I consider myself fortunate indeed to have known him at all.
I'll miss him. I'll miss his passion for music, his sense of humor, his
friendliness, his ever-cheerful support and encouragement
I'll never
listen to an Elvis Costello album or watch a Jon Brion show without thinking of
him. And becuase of who he was, that prospect doesn't make me sad. It's a
comfort knowing he'll always be there.
Thanks for everything, Greg. Rest
Brian Dwinnell
I am so touched to read the beautifully written tributes to my
brother. The outpouring of support from his friends has gone a long towards
tempering our sorrow over the loss of a truly incredible human being. It is so
important to us to hear these stories, because as you are obviously aware, Greg
was a very selfless individual and would never pat himself on the back for
having such a profound impact on so many. For him, this was a way of life.
Greg and I grew up pursuing different tracks in life but we were always
very close. People would constantly tell us that we looked nothing alike, or
say things like, "How could you possibly be brothers"? We always took it as a
compliment because we knew we shared so much in common yet held tremendous
respect for each other for our different accomplishments. He knew I was in awe
of him and he would tell me how proud he was of my achievements. I feel so
fortunate that throughout or lives we let each other know about the love and
respect we shared. It was a constant in our conversations and visits together.
We never took anything for granted.
Greg had particular passions in life
about which many of you are aware. Music is of course the most obvious.
Although he would disagree with me, I don't think there is anyone in existence
that knows more about great music than Greg. He had an incredible ear for
talent and I respected his opinion so much that it got to the point that I
would base what I listened to on whether or not he appreciated it. How could I
go wrong? His taste for movies was equally exquisite and his attention to
detail and ability to understand the subtle nuances of every complex film he
saw was astounding, frequently leaving me dumbfounded. Another passion of
Greg's was laughter. I have never laughed as much with anyone as I did with my
brother. One of the greatest joys of my life was watching TV with Greg as he
knew exactly what would bring tears to my eyes.
Over the past several
years, Greg developed a new passion. He loved my children dearly and the
feeling was mutual. Uncle Greg was a hero to my children and I will make sure
that he remains an icon in their lives. He was the uncle that we all dreamed of
having. He always had a toy in his pocket or would drop everything to play game
in the backyard. My daughter had to write a story for school entitled, "My Best
Vacation". Despite having taken trips to Mexico, Hawaii, Disney World, etc.,
she wrote about her trip to Uncle Greg's house. I wish you could have seen him
reading that story.
Thank you for sharing your stories about my idol. We
have been overwhelmed to learn how much he has meant to so many. God Bless you
Brian Dwinnell
Jim "Eno" Roe
I met Greg by chance. A local CD storeowner let him know about
me and my Bowie collection, and the next thing I knew...John Easdale, Chris
Carter and Greg were all at my humble abode checking out my records and talking
Bowie. Soon, I was frequenting Greg's condo, gladly accepting the CD's and
records "that I had to hear" from him and being blown away by the bands and his
impeccable taste in music.
Early on, he mentioned he was thinking of
starting a label, and having seen some of my graphic design stuff, asked me to
design the logo for his label. It all started there while we were drinking Coke
and watching television. I eventually did the design work on10 CD's for him,
and each time, he was more thankful and supportive than the last.
spent many late nights pouring over design issues, trying to meet deadlines but
he always made time for me to hear the latest release, and usually had a copy
for me too. One evening, Greg handed me a key to his house and asked if I'd
watch the place and walk and feed his dog Sparky. I brought my young daughter
over to play with the dog and even she at age 4 (at the time) was overwhelmed
by all the music. Every so often, I'd get a call (The Twin Peaks Festivals,
Redskin games, visits to Colorado) and I'd head over to feed the dog, welcomed
by a note and a stack of CDs from Greg.
When Greg got sick, he
called and told me what was happening. I went over to the house with the intent
of cheering him up, and as was his way, he made me feel better about the whole
thing. We talked Elvis, golf and about my kids (now there are 3). This past
Christmas, I got a package in the mail from Greg, he was battling for his life,
yet he found the time to pick out thoughtful gifts for my family.
was selfless and a genuinely thoughtful human being. His enthusiasm was
contagious. He was the rare individual that would make you feel immediately
comfortable and welcome. He took me along to many concerts and events and
introduced me to some great people. It is a profound loss not having Greg to
talk to, but his memory and legacy of music will live on. He is
Incidentally, he never did ask for his house key
JR Holther
I knew Greg Dwinnell only from telephone conversations. The
first one occurred after I had called eggBERT records to ask about a release
date for the Bent Backed Tulips CD. Greg had an instantly likeable demeanor and
after answering my question he spent a few minutes chatting with me about
Over the next few years, Id call every now & then to
inquire on upcoming John Easdale releases or Dramarama rarities compilations.
Greg was always happy to provide any information and make it seem like we were
two friends talking even though we had never met face-to-face.
When I
play certain CDs, Ill think of Greg and smile.
Rich from Pennsylvania
I had a great incounter with Mr. Dwinnell about 6 years ago.
Here's the story...I had read in a local trade paper that former Dramarama
guitarist Mark Englert had made a tape that he was getting around called "This
Is Pop." Being that I live in PA and the tape was being handed out in CA, I had
no clue how I was ever going to get a copy. So I made a call to Greg Dwinnell.
My intent for a fast phone call to ask him if he knew how I could get a copy of
the tape, turned into about a hour phone conversation. We talked about
everything from Dramamrama, to recording studios, to guitars, to Eggbert
records. One of the things I remember him telling me was how when dealing with
the record label, if somebody sent him a check to make a purchase he never
"held the check till funds clear." And he told me that he never once recieved a
bad check, or had any problems. I know it sounds like a funny story talking
about maybe getting a bad chack in the mail to buy a cd, but I remember how it
gave me the feeling of a very friendly and trusting person. Within a week of
our phone conversation, I had a copy of the Mark Englert tape in my mailbox
along with a few Eggbert cds, all free of charge. I got right back on the phone
and called Greg to thank him, and it was no big deal. I thought that it was
very cool of him to take the time to hook up a music lover in Pennsylvania with
some new tunes. I've been a fan of Dramarama's, and John Easdales for a long
time and I know what a prt of that team Greg was. My thoughts go out to all of
you. God Bless!
Johnny Long
I want to express my sincerest condolences to Greg's family and
his many friends. I lived in Cali from 87 to 94 and got to know Greg through my
friends in Dramarama. When you meet someone for the first time, you get a first
impression. My impression of Greg was that he was just a great, down to earth
guy. He was a good person and someone I liked to hang with during and after
Dramarama shows. Like Greg, I loved sharing music with people and he would
always tell me about new bands to watch out for. We had a lot of good times in
those days and I'm glad I got to spend time with Greg. We all had a lot of
laughs and memories that will last a lifetime. You don't meet a lot of people
that you like right off the bat. I liked Greg from the moment I met him. I'm
very, very sad that he is gone but I will always remember the good times we all
had back then. It was truly a golden time in our lives. I'll miss him very
much. Heaven will be a lot more rockin now that he's there. I'll see you soon
Jeff Smith
Are You Listening?
Real Audio
Stream (Low Fidelity)
MP3 (High
Sharing music all across the land, Putting songs in
everybody's hands
Songs that otherwise may have never been found, Give a
listen and you're sure to come around
Are you waiting for another song? The
song that lifts you up where you belong?
I'll be missing you
Are you
listening to the songs from the music king?
Put the tunes on - We'll all
Another year, Another top 10 list, Waiting by the mailbox for the
Christmas disc
The best songs of the year are here, Get the message -
sometimes it's very clear
The expressions flow from every song. Every time I
play that disc ...
I'll be missing you
Are you listening to the songs
from the music king?
Put the tunes on - We'll all
Shannon Milar
"Shanny, you could wake up the next morning and there could be,
I don't know, there could be a new ELVIS COSTELLO record to listen to. And
THAT'S what makes all of this worthwhile."
"And that's enough?"
"Yeah, that's enough."
He said it years ago and I've remembered it
every day since. At any given point I have dozens of questions stirring in my
head. Mr. Greg is the one person who had all the answers. And more importantly,
I didn't have an idea what the true potential of a cut tape was, until I met
Mr. Greg Dwinnell...
More from Shannon
Morley Bartnoff
Beyond Belief For ...
The Memory of Eggbert Records
Greg Dwinnell
On the first day of Summer Solstice Saturday Afternoon,
my dear friend Greg Dwinnell passed away in his sleep due to disease. Mr. Bash
graciously asked me to write a few too many words about one of my all time
favorite people who repeatedly said to me "I love to like what it is my friends
do." So within these next few too many paragraphs, is where and how I choose to
feel better about his physical absence So please indulge me...
signed and released record by bands and artists just because he believed in
them. The term "altruistic" would fit Greg Dwinnell like a tight Elvis Costello
T-shirt. An extremely cool cat with his own money that loved to be around and
nurture the music of the artists and the music he believed in.
Here are
some of the things I'd like you all to know about GD: He was equally as
passionate about movie directors, including Robert Altman, Paul T. Anderson,
and David Lynch as he was about golf, football, comedians, and the Sopranos.
Bud Did I mention the words Elvis Costello? He lived every moment of his life
having fun and working his record company. Within the confines of a single 25
hr day he would play a mean game of golf in the morning, send out new Eggbert
releases to press and radio before the Post Office closed in the afternoon,
work the phones until the call waiting refused to wait anymore, and in what
would wind up being the last possible moment, attempt to make the challenging
drive from behind the Orange Curtain in order to make it to your show at
Spaceland or Highland Grounds! Astonishingly enough he would somehow manage to
still find the time to haul his skinny ass to see Badly Drawn Boy or Ian Hunter
sitting in with Jon Brion during his late set at Largo, all the while dropping
off the current issue of Yeah Yeah Yeah Magazine in the lobby for you to pick
up on your way out the door.
Prior to any known Internet activity Mr.
Dwinnell launched Eggbert Records. He would not only put out extremely
interesting records by Lance Loud, Kristian Hoffman, The Jigsaw Seen, the
Jupiter Affect, Andrew and the solo disk from Love/ Lemonade's guitarists
Randle and Squeezebox, but if you look closely you might also notice that
Gregbert would release the chockfull of kool covers discs by the Bent Back
Tulips, a not so secret identity of Dramarrama whose lead singer John Easdale
would also release his first solo disc there as well.
The support and
friendships between Greg Dwinnell and the members of Dramarama should never be
underestimated. However, the grand standout of the Eggbert canon might just be
Sing Hollies In Reverse, which many around here believe to be the best damn
Tribute record ever! I remember this considerably younger lady, who paid that
Eggbert disc the highest of compliments. She said "I don't know any of these
songs, but this is a fantastic record."
I don't remember exactly how I
met him, though it easily could have been at Paul Rock's Wild Honey Presents
the Hollies Tribute show that doubled as the record's release party, held at
the Morgon/Wixon Theater in Culver City 1996. I remember looking over at him
after seeing a once in a lifetime performance of Jon Brion with Mike and Rusty
of Baby Lemonade tear up and transpose "Sorry Suzanne" into a higher dimension.
I looked over at Dwinnell and he had that Bert from Sesame Street smile all
over his mustached face. It was the same smile he had on his face during the
Elvis Costello Tribute at the Knitting Factory held in his honor just this past
March, a show in which the entire city seemed to line up in agreement to honor
him and his challenged health and to participate in a show that consisted
entirely of a set list of Greg's fave Elvis songs performed by a day dream wish
list of fiends and colleagues, making it the night to remember.
Did I
mention he was an Elvis Fanatic?
Well? I said to him in the middle of
the show's intermission. Though it was obvious how happy and moved he was, and
just that smile of contentment for ... the time being, all was well in his
world and ours.
We all would be much better served with freer thinking
musical souls like Greg Dwinnell. And you will be far better served by visiting just to see what I mean. What a great way to respect the
continuation of the spirit of a unique individual, who so enjoyed participating
in the creative process of self-expression for so many people!
Rock In
Peace, GD
Pat Pierson
On Saturday June 21st we lost another great human being & I
lost one of my closest and dear friends, Greg Dwinnell. Besides being the
founder and head honcho of eggBERT Records, Greg was a ceaseless music fanatic
and an overall kindred spirit who I shared countless memories with. He's one of
those great friends who made your life so much more expansive and open to
opportunities. Greg and I met through a girl I was dating in New Jersey back in
the winter of '86. She had just spent time living out west in California and
had a collection of tapes Greg personally made her--these tapes were the ties
that bound us. Greg had helped me notify my friends, Dramarama (who I was
living with at the time), that they were being played on "Rodney (Bingenheimer)
On The ROQ" and by the September we had all moved out west and the rest is
history. ...And from there our friendship continued to grow over the next 16
years. Greg started his own record label (eggBERT) in 1992 which helped give
back to the indie music community he was so much a part of and he helped give
artists like Virginia's Action Figures and Kristian Hoffman room to explore
their artistic whims. For more info check:
This passed
week's show was dedicated to his memory and was a major nod & wink to all
the stuff he and I loved. 3 hours was not enough to cover it all, so whatever
wasn't properly explored will be over the next few weeks (like Twin Peaks, The
Simpsons, Diner, Robert Altman films etc.). A big thanks goes out to John
Easdale and Chris Piller for calling & sharing the love & memories of
Greg and what he meant to all of us. A few other friends will be calling in
next week & if anyone wants to chime in with a story or memory please feel
free. I will be doing a piece on Greg and the record label for the next issue
of Yeah Yeah Yeah magazine.
WRSU-FM (88.7) June 24th 1pm-4pm
Greg Dwinnell Tribute Show
John Easdale
"Do You Believe In Magic?"
I can't even begin to
describe, much less fit in under 10 million words, the width, breadth and depth
of the impact Greg Dwinnell has had on me. It's hard to remember much of my
life B.G.D; like a gigantic meteor that changes the shape, speed and orbit of a
planet, he completely transformed my existence in an instant, doing it all with
just a simple phone call. Yeah, he started by changing my life completely,
being the cause/catalyst for a cross-country vacation lark that turned into a
rewarding c-c-career in Show Biz*; but from the minute I hit the California
soil, I had a new big brother who taught me everything a newcomer could need to
know about the Southland, all with the worldly perspective and understanding
only a fellow intelligent sub-urban observer and NY/DC exile could have
provided. And after that, he taught me everything else I needed to know about
life, how to observe the world, and how to extract the truth and find qu! ality
amid all the crap we're bombarded with in this life.
"Do you believe in
magic?" asked John Sebastian, and although it's since been borrowed and used to
sell Disney flix and McBurger clowns, the idea that the music is magic still
appeals, and no one was a greater wizard than Mookie eggBERT. He was that kid
who always loved turning people on to new groups, new artists, new songs and
styles. eggBERT was making cut tapes long before anybody called them that, and
the many artists he introduced to his listeners around the world through his
cassette recorder in the 70s, 80s and 90s owe him a huge debt of gratitude,
although most of those performers will never know him or what he did. But when
I used to travel around the country playing rock & roll, nearly every stop
would include at least one or two people who knew about us through Mook--in
fact, on more than one occasion, the majority of the handful that had shown up
were eggBERT tape recipients who had come to see us on his recommendation.
After sharing his exquisite and impeccable taste in music in this
fashion for his entire life, in the 1990s, I somehow convinced him to start a
label. (He always blamed me, and recounted the story several times, although I
have no recollection of making the suggestion.) His first release was by his
good friends and lifelong pals Action Figures, and from the minute he started
doing it, he was completely hooked. Sure, he continued making compilation
tapes, eventually and inevitably switching to CD-Rs, but he loved owning a
record label. It was such a perfect extension of his natural proclivities. And
although it was far more a philanthropic venture than a commercial pursuit most
of the time, he kept it going for over 10 years, releasing some 20-odd CDs in
the process and actually turning a profit in a few of those years, which is no
small feat.
Every once in a while, however, it was fun to try and turn
the tables on him, so to speak, and bring him some wonderful new song or band
that he had never heard of (which was no easy task) and watch him listen,
absorb, and smile. There was no greater gift than that grin he gave when he
liked what you had brought him.
Considering our friendship was
instantly all-inclusive, it's hard for me to believe we did everything we did
together in only 17 years. We traveled, went to countless movies, nightclubs
and concerts, and when we weren't going out, we watched TV together, with an
ongoing conversation in between it all that covered every topic under the sun.
. Somehow, I found the time between those things to get married and raise a
family, while he preferred a more solitary life...honestly...but ultimately,
Mookie and I were closer than blood brothers for that entire time. He was my
hero, my advisor, my conscience, my very best friend.We shared everything
except our bodies.
I haven't even scratched the surface...but he really
was the greatest guy I ever met...and I am going to miss him like I would miss
oxygen or food.
Who is responsible for this stuff anyway?
All contents are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by
eggBERT Records.